Search Engine Optimization
Posted in servicesAbout SeyeneCo Web Design
SeyeneCo Web Site Design helps small to medium size enterprises within Scotland to improve sales from their current websites.
Website mistakes
The biggest mistake made by companies initially venturing onto the Internet is to assume that because they have a good web address everyone can find them. Whilst everyone CAN find the website, nobody knows it’s there !
The web site address can be added to the company stationary and advertising, and overtime the website will attract more visitors. However, wasn’t the aim of going online to find new customers who would not have otherwise heard
about the company ?
Search Engines
Visit your favourite Search Engine and search for your company name, did it appear in the resulting list ? If not then you need SeyeneCo to help register your website with search engines. If your web site appeared, but
was buried amongst another few thousand website’s then you need SeyeneCo to optimise your website.
More importantly search for a keyword related to your business and check if your company appears in the resulting list !
Optimise your company web site by contacting seyeneco.